2008 年大衛高登葛林(David Gorden Green)執導、賽斯羅根(Seth Rogen)、伊凡戈柏格(Evan Goldberg)編劇,集結詹姆斯法蘭柯(James Franco)主演的《菠蘿快遞》是我最喜歡的大麻電影之一(Stoner Film),而今年也滿 10 週年了!身為監製、編劇以及主演之一的賽斯羅根在自己的推特上面分享了幾則爆笑的幕後趣聞:
While we were filming the scene where Red is taped to the chair in #PineappleExpress, Danny had to actually be taped in the chair all day and we couldn’t let him out because it took too long to put him back. pic.twitter.com/vBmmcRTuiL
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018