迪士尼影業今年的第三部經典動畫改編「寫實版」電影《獅子王》(The Lion King)即將在下禮拜上映,而日前在美國首映過後也已經出現了首波短評,多數反應都相當不錯,尤其是在視覺特效的方面,認為迪士尼與導演強法洛(Jon Favreau)繼《與森林共舞》(The Jungle Book)之後又再次呈現了令人瞠目結舌的影像,另外值得一提的是,由賽斯羅根(Seth Rogen)與比利埃西納(Billy Eichner)所配音的彭彭丁滿也吸引了不少目光。
爛番茄網站編輯賈桂琳柯利(Jacqueline Coley):《獅子王》真的很令人讚嘆!唐納葛洛佛(Donald Glover)持續保持了在每一件事都表現得很好的紀錄。說真的,賽斯羅根與比利埃西納搶走了每一幕的風采,我沒有在誇張!每、一、幕!
#TheLionKing is truly breathtaking!@donaldglover continues his streak of being awesome in everything.@beyonce is a queen. As she always was.
— Jacqueline - ROTTEN TOMATOES WROTE A BOOK! (@THATJacqueline) July 10, 2019
Real talk tho, @Sethrogen & @billyeichner stole every scene.
I’m not exaggerating y’all
They killed it!
moviefone 編輯德魯泰勒(Drew Taylor):大愛《獅子王》。在奉獻與創新之間取得了完美的平衡,而技術與情感上的成就也徹底地無與倫比(真的從沒看過這樣的呈現)。比利埃西納偷走了整部電影的目光。
Loved loved loved #TheLionKing. Strikes the perfect balance between devotion and innovation, a technical and emotional achievement that feels downright unparalleled. (Truly you’ve never seen anything like this before.) And @billyeichner steals the movie. pic.twitter.com/6S5h2s3AvN
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) July 10, 2019
Game Spot 娛樂編輯克里斯海納(Chris E. Hayner):剛看完《獅子王》,真的讓人樂在其中。我原本擔心寫實化的動物會少了動畫的魅力,但是是非常好的。彭彭丁滿搶走所有目光。有一些歌曲編排不像原作那樣好,但仍然是一部有趣的電影。
I just got out of #TheLionKing and really dug it. My fear was realistic animals wouldn’t have the charisma of the cartoon, but they’re very good. Timon and Pumba steal the show. Some of the song/choreo arrangements don’t work as well as the original but still a really fun flick. pic.twitter.com/mOrODQ0vHI
— Chris E. Hayner (@ChrisHayner) July 10, 2019
Collider 編輯佩芮納米洛夫(Perri Nemiroff):《獅子王》一直是我最愛的迪士尼動畫電影,而這一次的全新詮釋再一次提醒了我為什麼。很開心能夠再看到熟悉的歡愉、情感與淚水,對這幕後的視覺魔法心存敬畏。彭彭丁滿代表了一切。
#TheLionKing has always been my favorite Disney animated movie and this new rendition is a beautiful reminder why. Happy to welcome back familiar chills, emotions and tears. In awe of the visual wizards behind this one. Timon & Pumbaa are everything. pic.twitter.com/IcWHgjHCuF
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) July 10, 2019
SYFY Fangrrls 寫手珍娜布許(Jenna Busch):剛看了《獅子王》,肯定是很令人讚嘆的!音樂、視覺、聲音演出...無論你對迪士尼重拍電影的感受如何,這部絕對會讓你大開眼界。
Just saw #TheLionKing and it was absolutely breathtaking! The music, the visuals, the voice acting...whatever your feelings on Disney remakes, this one will blow you away. pic.twitter.com/Dk9MdZnKBe
— Jenna Busch (@JennaBusch) July 10, 2019
slashfilm 所有人兼編輯彼得斯克瑞塔(Peter Sciretta):《獅子王》是一個令人讚嘆的視覺影像成就,我不敢相信這是一部電腦動畫電影。彭彭丁滿奪走所有目光。這是一部好的迪士尼經典再製,但有必要嗎?或許不然,但仍是一部快樂的且家庭觀眾會喜歡的一部電影。
#TheLionKing is a breathtaking visual cinematic achievement. I can’t believe this is a CG animated movie. Timon and Pumbaa steal the show. It’s a good Disney remake but was it necessary? Maybe not, but it’s enjoyable and families are gonna love it.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) July 10, 2019
IGN 娛樂主編泰芮舒瓦茲(Terri Schwartz):剛看完《獅子王》,壓倒性的反應:辛巴太可愛了!說真的,如果你期待看到一部幾乎確切改編原動畫並且有著讓人下巴掉下來的視覺效果,那這就是你在尋找的。
Just walked out of #TheLionKing. Overriding reaction: SIMBA IS SO CUTE. But really, if you’re hoping this will be a near-exact adaptation of the animated movie with some absolutely jaw-dropping visual effects, you’ll get what you’re looking for. pic.twitter.com/14BydbdhCx
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) July 10, 2019